
Simplistic Statistics
By: Jordan Sisk

Quik Stats Iowa is an amazing way to keep up with the performances of all your favorite high school players and their teams. Quik Stats Iowa has all stats on varsity players and teams in the state of Iowa from the 2006-07 seasons up to the current 2018-19 season. All sports from football to swimming are logged in Quik Stats Iowa. Both the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union and the Iowa High School Athletic Association are represented in this app too. Both genders are available to be kept up on as all sports for each gender are logged on the website.
Although Quik stats Iowa is an amazing website in itself, it doesn't collect the stats. The coaches input the data they've collected after the game is over. When asked about this, Keokuk Girls Basketball Coach Mike Davis said, " I absolutely believe this is a reliable source as long as the coaches are putting in the correct stats." This is a very good point, as it could look like a coach or someone is cheating the system by someone being off by a couple yards, points, or rebounds. But human error could just simply be the culprit in the end.
To check out all Iowa sports teams, one must just simply search Quik Stats Iowa on Google and click the first tab that pops up. After that is completed a screen will be brought up that allows one to choose what sport you want to look at, and what gender of that sport you want to see the stat line on. After this is chosen you can filter your search to get to a specific team. Filtering a search further is possible too. The district, the class, the state, and the conference your team is in can all be narrowed down until the correct grouping is found. If ignorant to any of those though, simply scrolling through all the teams in the state and trying to find the one your searching for is still possible. Either way this is done you should be able to find the team your searching for fairly quickly and easily.
Quik Stats Iowa is one of, if not the best website to check out what is going on with your favorite teams and players in the state of Iowa. Mr. Davis also stated that "I like it over other statistical websites, I just hope that it becomes more compatible to what we use." Whether one agrees or disagrees on the ease of stat inserting, Quik Stats Iowa is a very good source to get information on your favorite high school teams and players in the end. Quik Stats Iowa also is a lot easier way to share information among coaches. Before Quik Stats Iowa coaches had to share a Google spreadsheet and input their information on the spreadsheet instead of into a nicely organized website. Kristopher Hayes, a teacher and coach at Keokuk High School, said, "Quik Stats is the best." He stated that he used to use spreadsheets before Quik Stats Iowa, and Quik Stats is much better and easier to use than Google Spreadsheets, and just other statistical websites in general. So if you ever need to, or want to check out stats on high school sports players in Iowa, go check them out on Quik Stats Iowa.
Football Spirit Helpers Thrive
By: Jordan Sisk

This year's football cheerleaders had a lot more to cheer about, as the Chiefs football team finished a whopping 6-3 after finishing 1-8 in the previous 2018 season. The cheerleaders not only cheered more, but they also practiced more. They worked hard and long starting as early as 6 A.M. on summer mornings, wanting excellence more than sleep. This showed on the field this year as the girls were more in sync with each other and louder than they have been in previous years. Bethany Washburn, the Chiefs Cheerleading Coach said, " I do believe the team improved this year... I think the squad has really started to bring back the school spirit that was lacking."
Students around the school also believe that the amount of school spirit in previous years was lacking and this year some of that has been brought back. Additionally first year cheerleader Natalie Ames stated, " The student section seemed way more excited about the season this year than last year." Even now she is looking at the amount of school spirit through a different viewpoint. She still feels that the school and the cheerleaders have become way more involved and committed to their team and their school in general. The cheerleaders have definitely improved this year. We can't wait to see their continued improvement improvement.
The Need For Speed
By: Isaac Cook
This year both the KMS and KHS Cross Country teams had medalists throughout the season. When Coach Shaina Arnold was questioned about this year's cross country team she stated, "A defining difference between this year and last year's team was their competitiveness. We brought home many medals this year and had PRs (personal records) at every meet. I enjoyed watching all of my athletes compete and do well, but my two seniors really did a great job of finishing their high school cross country season right by winning medals and showing huge improvements.The season impacted all of the athletes by showing them that hard work really does pay off." She went on to say, "It was one of the first time in my five years of coaching that we saw real success in meets that wasn't just based on individual performances. If I could change anything this season it would be the number of athletes that experienced injuries or illnesses during the season. We had six solid guys to make a team at the beginning of the season and unfortunately only finished with three of them because three ended up getting injured or sick which took them out for the remainder of the season."
"Something the 'average joe' should know about cross country is that it's not just about running. It's about making yourself better, about seeing how far you can push yourself to reach your goals, and it's about making yourself a stronger person not just mentally but physically. Is it easy? No, not necessarily, but it's something that anyone could do and find their own success. As my athletes said all year 'If it were easy everyone would do it!' There is no sideline for teammates to stand and cheer from. If you come out for this sport you have to put the work in and actually compete to be a part of the team."

Transitional Year for Swimmers
By: Shonta Sherill

Lisa Twitchell became the KHS girls swimming team coach in September of this year, however this is not her first coaching job.
the girls swim team had nine meets this year including invitationals. The seven members of the swim team included, Malia Brumble, Khylie Dodson, AJ De Gala, Carlee Heinz, Rose Hutson, Aria Stephenson, and Claire Wills. The team worked hard and faced much bigger schools this season. Most of the girls improved their times this year, and all of them worked hard during practices.
Bump Set Spike!
By: Anastasia Mcneill

.This year the volleyball team improved, grew stronger, and established themselves more on the court. This year the record was 9-19, compared to last year's 4-19.
Coach Randy Loges felt that he pushed the team harder, with good results. "We had a lot of girls that were hungry to get better and work hard. That makes them more coachable and easier to teach." When preparing for games, he would have them play a game like situations or six on six. played intensely.
When playing, the team would sometimes have to make adjustments if the opposing team was playing very competitively. There were times during the season when they needed to prepare for a specific style of play, or player that they knew could give them trouble. Loges was impressed by the team members for a lot of reasons this season. He was really pleased by how they refused to give up. Several times this season we found ourselves in a deep hole that we were able to get ourselves out of. For the most part they have great attitude, and our great character kids making them easier to work with. As a whole, they are a very caring group."
Tarot and Gaming
By: Otaku Tarot
Hello folks of KHS, this is the new columnist Otaku Tarot. Today will be the start of a series of articles in which I teach you the readers about the Tarot. Now what exactly is the tarot? The tarot is originally a game, but as time progressed people have put a supernatural use for them. Let us start with the first card: #0 the Fool.
The Fool is considered the wild card, where the joker card came from in a deck of playing cards. Those born under it are few and far between. Now just because it is called the fool isn't a bad thing, the card represents taking a leap of faith this is best shown with said fool walking towards a cliff. The fool also brings change wherever it goes both to others and to itself, it indicates a willingness to leap into the unknown and start anew. This also means the start of a new journey one rightfully called "The Fool's Journey." In this journey the fool learns from the other major arcana from The Magician to Judgment, both sides growing from the other until this takes the fool from what it is to the world. Now let us discuss how the fool works, the fool's number is zero this means it has nothing, but because it has nothing it has infinite potential.
That's all for now, stay tuned till next time, when I will introduce the next card: #1 the magician. This is Otaku Tarot signing out for now, and remember, nothing is set in stone.

Battle of the Books

If you love reading, and you love competitions, then you will love Battle of the Books. Battle of the Books is not a book club. Battle of the Books (BotB) is a group where each year, you have a list of books to read, and take online tests over said books in March. Top 16 teams of the online tests get to go to the Grand Battle in Marshalltown, IA to compete. Battle of the books is super fun and you get to make a lot of memories and even some new friends! For more information, contact Tabatha Sell ( or Barb Edler (
Science Club

In Science Club, student's pick a question they would like to investigate. They then design a way to figure out the answer to their problem using scientific processes. After they have completed their investigation, they present it at different Science Fairs and are judged on their science processes as well as their communication skills. They compete at local fairs, regional fairs, and at a state-wide event. Students that win are awarded certificates, sometimes medals and money/scholarships, and the biggest honor is to be selected to compete at International Science Fair which would include an all expense paid trip to the location of the event!


The mission of the Keokuk High School Gay Straight Alliance is to create a positive and inclusive environment in which LGBTQ and straight students can work together to make KHS a great place to learn and grow. if you have any questions about upcoming events please contact Regina Boddicker at